When can you apply for the Eramus+ mobility program for Study and what are the requirements and selection criteria
When can you apply?
The application should be submitted only during the opening of the call and exclusively through the online procedure by connecting to the following link https://ammissioni.unifi.it and entering the system with your matricola and password.
What are the basic requirements?
The basic requirements for admission to the call are:
- Being registered at the University of Florence as full-time student, or declaring the intention to sign up in an university course of study in the current academic year;
- Being in possession of an adequate knowledge of the language required by the host institution, certified by an appropriate certification;
- Students registered in single courses CANNOT apply.
Which are the selection criteria?
The four criteria that contribute to the calculation of the score referred to the career are:
- regularity in studies (for a max of 35 points);
- the profit (for a max of 35 points);
- language skills (for a max of 15 points)
For each language the following points will be awarded:
- 10 points for proof of knowledge equal to C2;
- 9 points for proof of knowledge equal to C1;
- 7 points for proof of knowledge equal to B2;
- 5 points for proof of knowledge equal to B1;
- 2 points for proof of knowledge equal to A2;
- 1 point for proof of knowledge equal to A1;
- Motivation (for a max of 15 points): The motivation is evaluated taking into consideration the existing coherence between the written motivation and the agreed study program (Learning Agreement). Motivations that score less than 8 points will not be considered eligible for the call and the student will be automatically excluded.
What are the LANGUAGE CERTIFICATES necessary to prove your own knowledge?
- completion of an university exam recorded in the career;
- completion of the TEST at the University Language Center (CLA);
- completion of one of the following tests.
Those who cannot provide for a suitable language certificate are required to register at the Centro Linguistico di Ateneo www.cla.unifi.it in order to book a test on a date within the deadline of the call. It’s possible to point out to the CLA staff that the test is needed for the Erasmus mobility application, in order to facilitate the reservation.
Do I have to present language certificates for ALL the required languages at the foreign institutions for which I am applying?
It’s possible to apply for only one of the two languages required by the chosen host institution, but we suggest to VERIFY carefully the language requirements for Erasmus students published on the website of the host institution. We recommend to check this information with the maximum attention!