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INGEGNERIA Scuola di Ingegneria

Useful information for the research of the Host Organization

The best way to find the company where you want to spend the internship is to be directed by a professor of your study course. Alternatively, it may be useful contacting foreign institutions (located in the country where you intend to spend your internship) that can play a valuable intermediary role in the research for the company such as Chambers of Commerce, Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad, Italian embassies abroad, professional orders, etc.

Eligible Institutions

A higher education institution holding an Erasmus Charter or any public or private organization active in the labor market or in sectors such as education, training and youth.

For example:

  • a public or private company, small, medium or large in size (including social enterprises);
  • a public institution at the local, regional or national level;
  • a social partner or other representative of the world of work, including chambers of commerce, craft or professional associations, and trade unions;
  • a research institute;
  • a foundation;
  • a school/institution/educational center (at any level, from pre-school to upper secondary education, including vocational and adult education);
  • a nonprofit organization, association, or NGO;
  • an organization for career guidance, career counseling, and information services.

Each organization must be based in a country participating in the Erasmus program.

Ineligible Institutions

  • EU institutions and other EU bodies including specialized agencies
  • Organizations that manage EU programs, such as National Agencies (in order to avoid possible conflicts of interest and/or double funding).
  • The national diplomatic representations of the student's country of origin and present in the host country such as Embassies or Consulates..
ultimo aggiornamento: 16-Nov-2021
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