Course Information
Students are authorized to attend all the courses available during the current academic year at our School and included in the Guida dello studente, independently of cycle of study or study area.
The annual course catalog is available online in the Offerta formativa section.
Please take note that the exams called "laboratorio" is a pass/fail system exam, no grade but the students earn credits.
Exceptionally students can choose exams from other schools (e.g.: Scuola di Scienze Politiche "Cesare Alfieri", Scuola di Giurisprudenza, Scuola di Architettura, etc.…)
Considering that the GUIDA PER LO STUDENTE might not be published until August, you can rely on the previous one. In order to check the courses in the current academic year, students can visit the section “Ricerca Insegnamenti” in our website and insert the requested information:
- Dizione insegnamento: type the name of the course (or alternatively part of it).
- Scuola di: select the option “SCUOLA DI INGEGNERIA”
- click on “cerca”
If you click on the relevant class, you will be redirected to the details of the subject (name of the Professor, hours of class, downloadable programmes).
Please note: Once filling in your Learning Agreement, please remember to include the alphanumerical codes (ex. Course: TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI, code B019542), so that it is easier to register you once all the pre-enrolment procedure is completed. Usually we recommend getting maximum 30 ECTS for 1 semester and maximum 60 ECTS for full year exchange.
Some professors (although it is not compulsory) upload material for didactic purposes on Moodle.
Moodle is an e-learning online platform in which you can sign up to the courses and receive the didactic materials that the professor may choose to upload.
The log-in to moodle is possible only after the enrolment at the School of Engineering as you need an username and password.
You cannot use Moodle to register for an exam, the use of Moodle is limited to receiving documents and/or texts that the professor wants to share with the students